Bali in 72 hours : Chapter 01


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Bali itu menurut gue romantis in different forms. You know, sometimes romantic isn't about a candlelight dinner, roses, fancy places, it may come from a simply evening by the sea with your loved ones, enjoy a beer , or a lot of things out from the city.
Bagi gue Bali ya se-romantis dengan cara yang sederhana. Hebatnya, sekalipun romantis, Bali ga diskriminasi sama yang jomblo a.k.a single. Lo bisa tetep ngerasa romantis even you and your own. Jalan berdua gandengan tangan along the beach is the cutest - tapi jalan sendirian pun gak keliatan aneh.

Thats Bali dengan segala keromantisan anti diskriminasinya. The new version of romantic #ihiy

Mungkin bagi sebagian orang yang belum pernah ke Bali wondering, kenapa sih sebegitu addicted nya Bali sampe bikin orang going back and forth untuk sekedar refresh otak dari rutinitas?
Kenapa ga Jogja or Bandung?
Simple, its a matter where your heart is.

Disini, gue habis trekking kurang lebih 2km dan agak implusive atau bodoh, it's noon , matahari pas banget di ubun-ubun kepala. Sebenernya kebayar dikit sih sama view dan vibes di sekitar track . Oh ya, Campuhan Ridge Walk, for those who wonder where it is. Well, ya gak 2km juga sih, ke starting point pun gue juga jalan kaki PP , jadi 3km mungkin for the half days.

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Disini juga vibes nya artsy banget sih. Gallery, even penjual kerajinan nya juga beda aja kalo lo pergi ke Kuta or so on.
Karena kebetulan lagi panas-panasnya dan gue salah sedikit dari orang lokal Indo yang keliaran (the rest are Bule), gue banyak ngelewatin cafe, resto - sampe Starbucks along the street.
Serunya ketika lo travel sendirian - its about me!
Mau lunch ontime, or later, mau makan fancy atau makan pop mie doang, mau cobain gelato atau ngopi, baby its about my choice HAHAHA
Btw gue sempet window shopping ke toko-toko yang dari luar displaynya agak boho-chic gitudeh, terlepas gue gatau prices nya , but so what?
Kepikiran juga mau sewa sepeda buat strolling around,  but consider my shuttle time to pick me up around 3pm, i only have less than 2 hours, so go by walk isn't a big deal for me.
Oh ya , gue finally memilih shuttle bus Kura-Kura untuk transport gue kesini dan ambil 1 Day pass mereka (kalo dikalkulasi jauh lebih murah rather than beli tiket PP), for details feel free to visit their web
Mungkin akan gue review this transportation on another post - since ini penting banget sih untuk solo traveler yang gapunya SIM so no chance to rent a bike lol.
Gue cukup kesulitan nyari info soal review this transportation, so hopefully, i could help another 'me' in future :)

Sebenernya pengen banget buat masuk ke beberapa museum merangkap galery seni , tapi yagitu anaknya kurang well prepared jadi will put on my next trip agenda aja kali ya.

Oh ya , gue end up disini, iced cappucino yang gue pesen dengan sisa -sisa energi terakhir gue setelah jalan liat sana sini ( and will walk a few blocks to stop by at the sculpture shops around here).
Dari jendela sini, gue liat hal yang beda dan kepikiran, gimana ya one day it's become my daily life?
or i will have this vibes every Monday without taking any leaves and miles to fly?
How about someone that passing by in front of this restaurant is someone that i ll spend the rest of my life with?

Di pojokan sih ada hmm a blue eyes guy with his backpack and book, not sure how long he has been here, but he just busy with his book and his croissants.
No luck today *finger crossed*

Eh udah jam setengah 3, gotta go, my ride will come in a minutes, Ciao!

Ubud,August 14th 2018


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